My Coaching


About Coaching

It’d be impossible to give you a full run-down of how my coaching works in just one page, especially because most of it is tailored to you as an individual. It’s not my job as a coach to force you to do things “my way”. It’s my job to meet you where you’re at, and guide you through the journey to achieving your goals.

Having said that, there are a few areas that we’ll pay particularly close attention to. They are:


Food. I absolutely love food, and I’d bet that you do too. Food is meant to be enjoyed, so I won’t be forcing the typical boring “chicken, broccoli, and rice out of a Tupperware” on you. As with every aspect of my coaching, the approach we take depends entirely on you. Whether it’s an initial meal plan, flexible food goals, or anything in between, it will all be based around foods that you love and already eat on a daily basis. You’re not “going on a diet”, you already HAVE a diet, we just need to make it work for you.


Movement. Exercise. Call it whatever you want to. For me, the perfect training programme is the right balance of the things that you love, and the things that you need. Whether you’re completely new to exercise, or you already fairly active, we’ll focus on your starting point and take things from there. I won’t be forcing you into spending 6 days per week in the gym, just like I won’t be forcing you to run a 10k every other day. I’ll work with you to tailor-make you a programme that will guarantee you the maximum amount of progress, in the most enjoyable way possible.


I’ll be honest, the word “Mindset” makes my roll my eyes a little. It’s the current industry buzzword, and everyone is a “mindset coach” these days. Having said that, this is arguably the most important aspect of what I do. It’s why I invest so much of my own time and money into working with my own coaches and mentors, because without a solid mindset everything else falls to pieces. Think of it as the foundations that any transformation is built on top of.

I could sit and talk about this all day, and what you “get” with my coaching, but basically this is what you need to know:

By the end of this process you’ll have full autonomy, and be confident in making decisions that align with your own values in any given situation.


Support through any type of transformation is absolutely crucial. There are a few reasons my job exists, and this is a pretty big one. We all like to think we can “do this on our own”, right? If that was the case though, we’d have done “it” already. Accountability. There’s another industry buzzword for you. Basically, having someone to pat you on the back and celebrate your wins with you is mint, but that person also needs to be able to kick you up the arse and have the difficult conversations when needed. That’s where I come in. Weekly in-depth progress checks, periodic Zoom review calls, daily contact opportunities, live QnA sessions, and a Facebook group full of people all on their own journey. What’s more is that if there’s a level of support we DON’T currently offer that you think you’ll need, I’m all ears. Like I said, the entire service is built around you, for you.


This is another biggie. I reckon you all know somebody that’s made AMAZING progress in one or more areas of their life, only to end up right back at square one. That person might even be you. From experience, a lot of that comes down to education. Anybody can follow instructions on “what” to do, but it takes a certain type of person that’s invested enough to learn the “why” and the “how”. I make sure to take the time to teach the ins and outs of everything we do, with the hopes that you can continue to apply everything you’ve learned when our time together is done. If you have a question, and want to know how to apply the knowledge to your own circumstances, ask away!

Haley Justice, MSc - Mental Wellbeing Specialist

At Body and Brain, we understand the importance of a comprehensive approach to fitness and lifestyle transformations where psychological well-being parallels physical health. With this in mind, on our team we have Haley Justice, a qualified clinician in various disciplines. She works alongside the service to provide specific support with mindset and mental health.

Her specialist areas include disordered eating, women’s reproductive health, OCD and controlling behaviours, as well as sport and exercise psychology. By offering this level of in-depth, expert support, our clients achieve both remarkable and lasting results that not only encompasses body, but also brain.

Want to start your incredible transformation journey?